
The student demonstrates appreciation for the contributions of musicians and artists outside of the church, and is committed to evangelism and biblically based ministry to them, and learning from them as well.

Overall Reflection Statement:

For my competence in cultural engagement, I am submitting artifacts from gigs and opportunities outside of the church. Through connections with Dan Dean and his Phillips, Craig and Dean touring band, I had the opportunity to play secular Country music for the first time, headlining a festival in Fort Worth with Charla Corn. Charla is a very popular local artist, and DJ for a local country station. Also I have been able to play weddings and shows with DFW Cover Band. The video below is from a local tavern The Barley House.


Learning Reflection:

My first gig with Charla Corn was the Ranch Bash festival, with over 10,000 people attending. I brought some high school students from my local churches as well. We built some great relationships with the other bands and were invited on the tour bus with the headlining band.  I mentioned quickly that I needed to be up to play church early the next morning, and several guys in the band said they did as well. It was a unique moment. We were Christians, using our gifts in a very un-Christian place. Even the drunkenness my high school students encountered everywhere at the festival I felt was positive. They need to see this before leaving for college, and not in a judgmental way. I also performed in several clubs and a music video with Jonathan McQuitty, son of pastor Andy McQuitty of Irving Bible and a talented local artist.

Lifelong Development Statement:


As a result of the experiences documented by these artifacts, I will continue to develop in cultural engagement by learning to take off my “church only” glasses to see how God is at work literally throughout the music community. I must continue to expose myself to fellow musicians outside of the specific genres and styles that I have become comfortable with.


Jonathan McQuitty Music Video